*Updated: VELO Token Contract Verification
Dear VELO community,
*This article was published on November 3rd, communicating that we had run into a misalignment of the tooling used on Etherscan for verification, and the hardhat official tooling used to compile and deploy the smart contract to the Ethereum chain.
We are very happy to announce that this has been taken care of. Now, all of our contracts are verified on Etherscan!
We have been in contact with the core team of the brilliant hardhat framework, formerly known as the buildr framework. Who in turn is in contact with Etherscan itself to get this misalignment fixed.
For those of you more technical: when compiling a smart contract into bytecode, at the end of the bytecode there is a reserved field which hashes some metadata: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/metadata.html.
Due to misalignment of the build structure, this metadata differs in different bytecode in builds of the same version of the compiler the official (solc-macosx-amd64-v0.5.17+commit.d19bba13) and the version used by Etherscan (probably solcjs-v0.5.17+commit.d19bba13). Even though they have the same version number and the SHA1 of the git commit where the build is based upon.
3 of our contracts were pending verification, while everything matched 100% to be verified, only this hash of the metadata (inside the bytecode) differs due to this inconsistency in the solidity build process. So beware, everybody compiling with the version of hardhat, which uses the official solc version, could be running into the same problem my technology team has experienced.
As of today, Etherscan has verified the 3 remaining contracts as well, resulting in 100% of our contracts being verified.
Ludwig von Mises
VELO Token Contracts
VELO Staking Pool Contracts